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The Federal Foundation Magnus Hirschfeld is organizing the online workshop series “Get involved! Political Participation and Empowerment“ in October 2020.
The workshop series is primarily aimed at LGBTIQ+ refugees and asylum seekers who are or want to become politically involved. The workshops will take part in small groups and will deal with the following questions: How do political processes work in Germany? How can I make my demands public? How do I find allies? How can I use social media strategically?
There will be plenty of space for questions and exchange.
16.10.2020, 4-7 pm: Political Processes in Germany
with: Lilith Raza, Queer Refugees Deutschland (LSVD)
23.10.2020, 4-7 pm: Organizing and Networking
with: Women in Exile
30.10.2020, 4-7pm: How to use Social Media strategically
with: Take Over, Intersektionale Kampagnenarbeit